Governance & Reports

Dear TWU Queensland State Branch members.

On Friday the 5th of May 2023 the BCOM unanimously passed the following motions:


  1. The Branch Committee of Management directs the Branch Secretary under Rule 57 (c) to take all necessary steps to apply to the Registrar of the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission under section 802 of the Industrial Relations Act 2016 (QLD) for an exemption from holding an election for the offices of the Union.
  2. The Branch Committee of Management directs the Branch Secretary to take all necessary steps to notify members of the details of the application before it is made.
  3. The Branch Committee of Management resolves that a Branch Assistant Secretary is not required until such time as a stand-alone Queensland Federal Branch is reconstituted.

TWU QLD/NSW (Interim Governance) Audited Financial Report 31 December 2023

TWU QLD/NSW (Interim Governance) Officer & Related Party Disclosure Statement 2023